
  • Register for and attend one of the CDS workshops for a skill you want to learn (be aware that some are intermediate level workshops). Register for the workshop online (seats are limited). We also could ask for a customized workshop to be created if there's a tool/skill several of you would like to learn!
  • Word Count: 600-1000 words (can include inline references but not the bibliography)
  • References: Use inline references if needed / include a bibliography.
  • Topic: You have two goals in this blog post -- A) teach us something of what you learned at the workshop and B) tell us about how you (and your classmates) could use this in your final project (and in your own field of study, if applicable). Use screenshots to offer a step-by-step tutorial of an element of the tool you learned (if several of you attend the same workshop, you could divide this up to provide us with a more in-depth intro to these tools). You don't have to summarize EVERYTHING from the workshop. But document the steps to do something substantive that we learned.
  • You can also compare/contrast this tool and its uses to other tools we've learned about this semester.
  • Final deadline to submit is on Sunday 11/20 at 11:59PM.
  • Audience

    Write for a public audience that includes your peers


  • To learn about digital tools and approaches to studying the humanities, and to teach your peers about these tools.
  • To engage with the public, including your peers, in offering thoughtful responses to historical materials
  • To gain experience and comfort in blogging and digital communication

  • Grading

    Blog posts will be graded on a twenty-point scale.

    **You can submit an additional campus event blog during the semester for up to 10 extra credit points (due by 11/30 at midnight.) Please submit within one week of attending the workshop.

    Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Needs improvement
    Tutorial / Content (15 points) Your thorough tutorial includes screenshots or supplementary material as is needed to offer a clear and concise set of steps on the basics on how to use a tool. You include a well-thought assessment of how this tool might (or might not) be useful to us in this course. You include a tutorial with a basic intro on the topic of your workshop, as well as a brief consideration of the tool's usefulness. Your post lacks detail on how to use the tool and/or falls short in its consideration of the tool's usefulness.
    Professionalism (5 points) Your post follows the basic rules for clear writing. Your post is thoroughly proofread, and is well-written in an appropriately professional tone. You include proper citations as needed. Your post meets all requirements (length, number of sources, etc.). Your post generally follows the basic rules for clear writing and is generally well-written, but it has a few proofreading errors and/or is missing citations. The tone is appropriately professional. Your post meets all or most requirements (length, number of sources, etc.). Your post would be stronger if you invested more time in proofreading and revisions. You may also be missing citations or be writing in too informal of a tone. Your post may not have met all of the requirements (length, number of sources, etc.).